Discord Contents
Public Channels

Welcome - View the members who have joined the server.

Rules - Read and follow the rules of the server.

Intro Yourself - Here you can give a brief introduction of who you are, your hobbies and interests, and let us know where you are from and how you found The Ruck Shack. See the example below.


Server Updates - This is where you can find updates on the server bots.


Events & Giveaways - Events and giveaways will be posted here.


Bump It Up - In this channel you can use something called "slash command" and type /bump and clicking the icon that matches the image below. This will bump  the server to the top of the public list.


Star Board - A channel that is dedicated to posts that have received 3 or more ⭐reactions from The Ruck Shack users. Share your content and get featured!

Voice Channels

Voice channels (VC's) are where you can speak on microphone and be on camera. Users are not required to be on camera or speak. If you are a new user we do encourage you to introduce yourself.

If you enter a voice channel and music is playing, that means you probably need to lower the volume of the music bot. You can do this by selecting the user to open their settings.

*You must be a verified member of The Ruck Shack Discord server for VC links to work.*


This is our main Voice Channel. It is open to all verified users.


The House voice channel has the same permissions as The Shack. It is a secondary room available to all.


The Bunker is locked from new users and you must be an E5 ranking to enter. Ranking up is not difficult. It can be earned through engagement with the server, spending time in VC's, and proving you are "Good Vibes & Positive Energy."


Also available to all users, this is where you can, of course, create your own room. It will be default named after your username and you will have the control and flexibility to edit permissions within this channel. This includes limiting the number, mic/cam permissions, and locking the room.


Available to users who have claimed a Gaming Role. This is where we encourage squad gaming to occur. We ask that if you game with a team and plan to communicate with them to enter the Game Room at those times. This will help to eliminate gaming conversations from being spoken over other daily conversations.